Intracytoplasmic Morphologically Selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) is a selection process of healthy and structurally normal sperm to perform ICSI IVF. In other words, in IMSI IVF treatment the sperm is first checked for structure and shape before injecting it into an egg during an ICSI IVF process. It is performed in cases where the male partner has several abnormally shaped sperms that are not fit for fertilization.
IMSI IVF is just an additional step before performing ICSI IVF. In ICSI IVF, one sperm is injected into the egg to initiate fertilization in oligospermia males (low sperm count).
- Failed attempts of ICSI IVF
- Male partner having shape abnormality in the sperms
- Failed fertilization attempts
During IMSI (intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection) a sperm is tested by using a high-powered digital microscope. This microscope can enlarge the sperm image up to 6000-8000 times thereby allowing the fertility specialists to examine the sperm meticulously for any shape and size abnormalities and choose the best sperm for the fertilization process in ICSI IVF.
- High chances of successful implantation
- Abnormal sperms can be easily excluded
- Lesser chances of miscarriage and failure of ICSI
- IMSI IVF fertility procedure allows the males with low and abnormal-shaped sperms to make their partner pregnant and have healthy babies.
Get the best treatment for Oligospermia at Ethics IVF, the best IVF centre in Jharkhand. Our experts have years of experience in Male/Female Infertility issues and they perform Oligospermia treatment in a routine here at our Jharkhand centre.